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Thread: I don't know...

  1. #1
    Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Kingsport, TN

    I don't know...

    I really do not believe in luck or curses. But something is wrong with playing baseball in a Reds uniform. You really have a zero chance of winning somehow. What can cause this absolute? I don't know. But to me, it really is not a matter of losing to a better team. Screw that! Erase that thought out of your freakin head. Do it now. Because we have to believe.

    Right now we have every right to hate, and be confused, and want to just give up. But I am pleading with you guys to just be pissed and be ready for tomorrow's game. That goes for us Reds fans and the Reds players. Something happened in the locker room last night and in the clubhouse this morning. This team really wanted to win today. They were close. They have to bring that same intensity tomorrow. We have to remember that we have dipped into their bullpen and that we have shown that we can win.

    Again, I do not believe in luck, but for tomorrow's game I honestly want to know that every single strike3forums Reds fan is wearing a Reds hat for gametime tomorrow. Wear that hat before the game at the mall or at school if you can. Claim that you are a Reds fan and you are proud of it. Wear that hat and be ready for a win! Come tomorrow's Game Thread tell us that you have the Reds hat on. If you do not have one, buy one or borrow one. Our caps will be on and we will be ready for a little luck!

  2. #2
    You know, losing my whining power hurt, only a tiny bit, but it hurt. I know the feeling...

  3. #3
    I have a TON of pride in being a Reds fan. I don't know why, honestly. None of my relatives ever played for the Reds, let alone at the Major League level. I've not ever been affiliated with professional sports. Somehow, I'm still immensely close to the team. Maybe someone else can elaborate on this. Still, it doesn't exempt me from being extremely pissed at the way the club is playing. I agree with redsrbetter, there is no such thing as "luck". You either execute, or you don't. That's my opinion, anyway. Sadly, I think some of the players on the Reds don't really have a "connection" with the club. They don't really care about the team. They're just there for the bucks. I believe both Danny Graves and Dave Miley fall in this category. I'm sure you're wondering why I would pick such an odd sample of Reds club members. Danny Graves has always struck me as a cocky guy who could care less about what happened, as long as he had his save opportunities. Call it conspiracy theory on my part, if you want, but how the HELL did I know that Danny Graves was going to put himself in position to earn a save tonight? I just KNEW he was going to make it a close game. He loves adrenaline. No, wait, he loves MONEY. I personally believe that Danny Graves thinks he will be worth more money if he pitches in very tight games, that he will be snatched up by the Yankees or some other club willing to pay him more money than what he is making now. There are just way too many situations where he causes his teammates to absorb runs that he inherited. Now, with Dave Miley I'm sure to be bashed. He managed in the minors for the Reds, for how many years? Still, he never played at the big league level (that I know of). He has no other connection with the Reds organization, other than being its life-long minor league manager at the AAA level. But, wait a second. Personally, I feel that he never felt he had a chance as manager of the Reds, that he was only selected for the position because of the political ramifications the Reds would incur for not hiring him after so many successful years at its minor league level. There really isn't anything at stake for Dave Miley in this position. He gets fired, so what. He'll either retire, take over a position in the Reds front office, go back to managing at the AAA level, or get hired by some other club as its minor league manager. At this point, I'm purely rambling, and I am still steaming over tonight's loss. I might as well shut up.

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