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Thread: Burnitz considered a God

  1. #1
    Hall of Famer
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    Kingsport, TN

    Burnitz considered a God

    So the Reds get a surprising loss thanks to a comeback by the Cubs and a little help from an on fire Derek Lee was given by Dave Miley. You walk a guy like that in that situation no matter what. We did it with Walker to put Pujols on with the bases loaded 1 out. So are we really that scared of Burnitz? You walk Lee, then face Burnitz to try and get the dp. Bring in Mercker to face him.

    It was our bullpen along with Miley last night that lossed this game. Good offense today along with a decent start from Harang had us close to winning. Somehow, Miley's lineup has finally worked a little, but is no doubt not in the best order it could be. But the absolute problem last night was his inability to make the call.

    I really do not want to have another manager that I cannot stand, and Miley is slowly climbing to the top of that ladder. I do not know how much more I acan take before I learn to expect this type of mismanaging. I am not one to tell a manager how to manage, because who am I? But it is my opinion that he really blew it on that non call last night.

  2. #2
    Minor Leaguer Redleg44's Avatar
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    But when we walked Walker to get to Pujols it was the 9th inning, not the 8th. The worst Lee could do was tie it (which is exactly what he did). Miley figured that even if he homered and tied it, we still had another at bat to get the lead back.

  3. #3
    Hall of Famer
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    But with how much Lee has killed our pitching? You still pitch to him? I admit that Burnitz is no slouch either, but I would much rather my chances with Burnitz vs. Mercker. Lee is the new Edmonds right now!

  4. #4
    Old Style Drinker
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    i admit it raised my eyebrows some when he was pitched to. i mean, he's batting .430 for the month and is the hottest player in the Majors. I walk him and have kent mercker pitch to burnitz. Granted, burnitz can turn a lefty around with the best of them, but with the way Lee has been playing, i wouldnt want any part of him.

    plus Burnitz is VERY capable of grounding into the DP.

  5. #5
    I honestly think that is almost an automatic walk situation unless you are walking into a big-time hitter and out of a small time one. You want to see up the DP (without a speedster at the plate in Burnitz), and you get the notably easier out considering Lee is the hottest hitter in baseball.

    It's one thing to pitch to Manny instead of Ortiz, or even Hairston instead of Neifi Perez, but Lee instead of Burnitz...err...

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