Rich Garces had another 1-2-3 inning yesterday, and has retired nine of the 10 batters he's faced in the minors.
The Sox are said to be ''alarmed by his weight.'' Wait a minute, isn't this El Guapo we're talking about? What else is new?

WOOHOO, of course, it's the Gulf Coast League, but they only have a .100 BA and .500 OPS! Come on Guapo, the fatter the better. I'm thinking the Sox call him up on August 31st to put on the Post-season roster, and if/when they face the Yankees, they can drop Guapo from the Yankees upper deck and they could hit Jeter or Giambi. They could hit Womack which helps the Yankees, but it's good enough odds. VIVA EL GUAPO!