Blog Comments

  1. missionhockey21's Avatar
    Let us not forget, that its not like he went from a doubles hitter to a homerun hitter. He still has 31 doubles and 3 triples on the year, giving him 80 XBH on the year already.

    Plus the man rocks a mean beard:
  2. love_that_reefer's Avatar
    I don't believe that someone has to reach the playoffs to be MVP. If you help keep your team in the hunt, you should get the same consideration. If Votto wins the Triple Crown, he's your MVP. If Pujols does, that's your MVP. I think its ludicrous for someone to vote over another guy just because his TEAM reached the playoffs. I also think its ludicrous for someone to vote for someone on a last place team.
  3. Providence A's's Avatar
    Pujols win it if he wins the triple crown. Hell, he'll probably win it anyway.
  4. JButler345's Avatar
    Just an opinion from the new guy here, but Josh Hamilton over Cabrera by a mile. Not only are the numbers similar (Hamilton leads in batting average, Cabrera leads in rbis) but Texas is up by 8 games while Detroit is behind by 10.
  5. DirtyKash's Avatar
    Ubaldo: 17-3, 3 complete games, 2 shutouts, 155.1 IP, 64 walks, 143 strikeouts, 2.55 ERA, 1.11 WHIP

    Halladay: 15-8, 8 complete games, 3 shutouts, 193 IP, 22 walks, 175 strikeouts, 2.24 ERA, 1.01 WHIP

    Wainwright: 17-6, 5 complete games, 2 shutouts, 176.1 IP, 42 walks, 158 strikeouts, 1.99 ERA, 0.97 WHIP

    Johnson: 10-5, 1 complete game, 0 shutouts, 158.2 IP, 38 walks, 156 strikeouts, 2.27 ERA, 1.07 WHIP
  6. love_that_reefer's Avatar
    I think Cabrera should win MVP over Hamilton as well. He has carried a sad Tigers team while Hamilton has had a lot more help.
  7. love_that_reefer's Avatar
    That Buster Posey is not in the top 5 better yet top two is a travesty. Posey will win the award
  8. DirtyKash's Avatar
    Quite amazing that neither of us has Jose Bautista on the MVP ballot.
  9. DirtyKash's Avatar
    I'll take your silence as a 'yes' to the bet.
  10. DirtyKash's Avatar
    I 100% guarantee that Miguel Cabrera wins MVP. I think this should be a Twilight or Sex and the City bet, so that when you lose, you'll have to watch New Moon or something. Or is it Eclipse now?
  11. Kingdom's Avatar
    I prefer my picks.
  12. DirtyKash's Avatar
    I prefer my picks.
  13. DirtyKash's Avatar
    I never thought I'd see the day when Aubrey Huff would be top-4 on a ballot for MVP.
  14. Kingdom's Avatar
    Matt's Bonner apparently is resigning for 4 years with the Spurms. Head is heading to the hornets. Good times.
  15. Kingdom's Avatar
    Johan Petro found a home in New Jersey.
  16. browntown653's Avatar
    Fair enough mofo. I know Shaq and Riley have had their differences, the only reason I brought it up though was knowing that Shaq is likely to seemingly change his mind at any minute, e.g. his feelings for Kobe and Phil Jackson seemed to change overnight at points. Apparently the Hawks offered him a 2 year deal though
  17. realmofotalk's Avatar
    As I have already commented under the previous blog post, Shaq and Pat Riley are through with each other. Shaq left Miami on bad terms and took shots at Riley after he was out of there.
  18. missionhockey21's Avatar
    You know Shaq is tempted by this. His ego would take a hit with signing to the minimum, but at the same time, he loves to be in the circus of media... only if he is a featured attraction. I am sure if he could go to Miami and ensure that the media would run with the "The Big Four" or "Shaq featuring The Big Three Players" he would be down after his agent puts out some feelers to see if he could get Joe Johnson money.
  19. Kingdom's Avatar
    Hey if Shaq and Z have learned to shoot threes, then sign 'em up!

    I would too, laugh, especially if it's Morrison and let's say they get Kwame from my other blog, holy crap! High comedy! I feel like they're one super bust away from having the bizarro version of James-Wade-Bosh. Now introducing your 10, 11, and 12th men... Adammmmmm Morrison! Kwaaaaaameeeeeee Brrrrrrown! And Michaaaaellll Olowokandi!
  20. Kingdom's Avatar
    Shaq needs to play for Mars or Saturn.
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